Saturday, November 21, 2009

What in the world... going on in our world today? That is the question I find myself asking every day. All it takes is a segment of a news show or logging into check my email and another story makes it painfully clear that we are slowly but surely leading ourselves to the point of no return. Of course I am talking about politics (on EVERY side of the spectrum) but I am also talking about common sense, or the lack thereof.

I will have more time later, but I am looking forward to this blog because I have a lot to say and want to hear what you have to say.

More posts to come, until then, happy Saturday!


1 comment:

  1. So I'm waiting on more from you, like maybe some poetry. Hey, you want to know what's funny. My mom's blog looks just like yours, and your going to be a counselor like her. Funny.
